


Through the generosity of the GMR研究与教育基金会, 上州医科大学 has been awarded EMT Scholarships. The GMR研究与教育基金会 scholarship is awarded in the amount of $1,000.00 to an incoming student who is currently enrolled in 上州医科大学’s Summer 2024 EMT Original course. The scholarship recipient will be chosen at the discretion of the scholarship committee and according to the eligibility requirements established by 上州医科大学.

请将填妥的 application to the 上州医科大学’s EMS Programs via email to: (电子邮件保护) with Scholarship Application in the subject line, or via United States Postal Service addressed to:

Attn. EMS Programs


EMT Scholarship: EMT奖学金申请表




Career and workforce centers around New York State administer to the WIOA training opportunity and can provide funding for education or training.  For more information or to find your local career center, follow the link below to the New York State Department of Labor and filter by your county of residence or region.




Gail Weinstein
Gail Weinstein

Through the generosity of the Weinstein and Johnston families, with the assistance of the Central New York Community Foundation, scholarships have been established to honor the memory of former Upstate paramedic instructor, Gail Weinstein.

Gail’s love of emergency medical services and enthusiasm for provider education facilitated the training of countless providers in the Central New York EMS region and beyond. 盖尔是个有爱心的人, compassionate, and selfless woman; she fostered the idea of learning in all who knew her. Her thirst for knowledge and tireless determination provided the foundation for quality care to all patients she reached, 无论是直接的还是通过她的学生的延伸. Gail’s memory is celebrated by every EMS professional who demonstrates her passion by making a difference.

The Central New York Community Foundation will award four $1,250.00 scholarships for students to complete paramedic education.

Applicants must be accepted into the upcoming SUNY Upstate Paramedic Program. Scholarship applicants should follow the Application link below to complete the online application in its entirety.

  • 奖学金申请
  • 两位推荐人的全名和推荐最近最火的赌博软件.
  • 写一篇300字的自我介绍, 成为护理人员的愿望, and how the qualities of Gail Weinstein are demonstrated in their practice of emergency medical services and life.

奖学金申请s for the Upstate Paramedic Program at Onondaga Community College are now available.  所有申请必须在7月31日前提交, 在8月15日左右公布获奖名单. Scholarships will be awarded to the selected applicants who are accepted into the upcoming Paramedic Program.


Deb Duethorn纪念奖学金基金

Deb Duethorn纪念奖学金基金 is provided through the Central New York Community Foundation in memory of one of Onondaga County’s most remarkable professional young women. Duethorn, 谁在1996年夏天英年早逝, 不只是一个有天赋的注册飞行护士吗, but also an outstanding paramedic who gave tens of thousands of hours of prehospital emergency medical care to her patients. Sergeant Duethorn was the first woman member of the Onondaga County Sheriffs’ Department SWAT team. She was also a courageous firefighter with the Belgium Cold Springs Volunteer Fire Department. Duethorn however, was perhaps best known in her role as an educator. 她体现了“老师”这个词,无论是在警察学院和新学员, 她在研讨会和护理人员课程上发言, or in everyday encounters where she quietly and patiently taught one-on-one. 无论是穿牛仔裤还是t恤(她的偏好), 飞行服或值班制服, 迪埃尔顿永远影响着她家人的生活, friends, 同事和病人. 对社会习俗稍有不敬, Duethorn’s wit and sense of humor left their imprint on all who experienced the gift of knowing her.

This scholarship in memoriam of Duethorn has been awarded to at least one recipient per year since 1999. 申请信息可在 www.cnyems.org.

Deb Duethorn纪念奖学金基金 is a yearly $1,000.00 award administered by the Central New York Community Foundation to assist persons pursuing education in the fields that Deb herself was committed to. Applicants must be seeking education to further career or volunteer aspirations in any or all of the following categories: emergency medical service, law enforcement, 消防和护理. Applicants should explain his or her dedication to one, several, or all of those fields.

潜在的申请者, 居住在以下县之一的卡尤加, Cortland, Onondaga, 奥斯威戈或汤普金斯, should complete the form below and submit the necessary requirements by the stipulated deadline to:

Central New York Regional Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc.

Deb Duethorn纪念奖学金申请包





通过奖学金项目, 白金教育集团's goal is to provide students entering the EMS, Nursing and Allied Health fields assistance in fuding their education.  2015年,我们推出了仅面向EMS学生的项目.  2016年,我们扩大了我们的项目,包括 Platinum Tests and Platinum Planner) and scholarships to include the Nursing and Allied Health Fields.


